Manager in Books


From the first year of B.M.S., have been hearing Management is an Art, Science as well as a Profession, though not fully but partially. I’ve have been agreeing to the fact for the past two years as I have been relating it to all of the three as –
1. Art – as a Manager should be creative, innovative.
2. Science – as it involves research and development.
3. Profession – as Manager in himself should be a good Decision Maker, and considers the other to things as well.

By the Third Year, it came to my realization that all of us(Considering everyone as per my knowledge) are provided with just bookish knowledge. Some of the questions I am seriously facing now are “Okay! my book Concepts are clear, but where do i apply these?”, “How would I be able to take the Right decision at the Right Time when I am not even aware how it is taken?”, “Why can’t Management Studies be more of practical studies like professions like LLB?”

Like those of H.M.(Hotel Management)students or the LLB students, why can’t we practice under Managers of Companies, to get some of Practical Knowledge. According to me, due to the lack of this Practical Knowledge the B.M.S. students are not directly eligible for the Managers Post.

What say guys, am I right?

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Ganesh Kamath

Hello, this is Ganesh Kamath. I am a TYBMS student. I am a friendly guy, love to make new friends. I love being simple and realistic. Here to share to my views and to learn more about the outside world. I hope and except you help me with this. :)


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