Managerial Economics II Practice Question Paper No. 1


managerial economics

Managerial economics or Macro economics refers to a broad field of study which includes the performance, structure, behavior, decision making of an economy as whole rather than individual markets. Macro economics models are used by government agencies to assist in development and evaluation of economic policy.

Here we present Managerial Economics Practice Question Paper No. 1:

  1. Discuss the impact of the World Trade Organization in the Indian economy.
  2. Explain the determination of the rate of interest and the level of national income in the product market.
  3. Explain the factor endowment theory of international trade with reference to price criterion.
  4. Define monetary policy and discuss briefly the quantitative instruments of credit control adopted by RBI?
  5. What are the features of trade cycle?
  6. Explain the functions of IMF?
  7. What is structure of balance of payment?

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