Managers do not add value to the society?


What kind of statement is this….???

Like every human being, manager first is an individual then a manager. Every individual who is in the society does add value to the society. Society is the group of individuals who live in and participate in society’s pros and cons and has a right to be called as an individual which is existing in society.

As doctors, engineers, architects, politicians, IAS all are existing in this society even the managers do exist in the society and even add value to the society. Just think if managers do not exist in the society the role they play in all the sections in company, in government organizations who will manage the finance department, human resource department or who will market the product of company. In all the parts of society managers do play an value added role as they help the society to be well organized , well coordinated, well managed which helps any form of society to progress or helps to growth.

Even the managing situation is going on from centuries in our society. Take an example of our house – our mother is the manager of our house. If she is not there the house will become imbalanced and disorganized. There will be no proper wave in the house. The house will never run smoothly. Same applies to the case of a manager if there is no one to manage a small hut or a big multinational company it will definitely lose the identity. So every part of the society adds value to the society…..


I m not a has-been I m a will-be

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I am Dhara Shah, a BMS graduate, a friendly person with a happy go lucky nature but cannot stand by lies in front of me, sometimes stubborn as well. I am fun loving kinda person and talkative too.


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