Difficult People Suck: 5 Quick Tips on How to Deal


People suck.

In life you will come across many kinds of people and interact with them. Some seem to be too rude, some are hard to get things done, some are happy-go-lucky and so on. If you are starting up your own business interacting with various kinds of people is inevitable. You may come across good as well as bad and worst employees. However, master the trick of dealing with different  people by the following 5 tips:

1- It’s all about perspective.

different-perspectives101One thing you always need to keep in mind is that each and every person interprets a situation in a different manner. People have different perspective about everything and no one is completely right or wrong. Try to find a middle way of different perspectives of each other while dealing with people.

2- Look inside yourself.


Do not overlook your own self. There is a reason why people have come up to you. Learning to look inside yourself and at how other person is making you feel can make the emotions elementary. Why beat yourself up?

3- Get over it.


Play your best game.  The person next to you is just another pawn in the game of life. If you get stuck on it, you are likely to be thrown off your game sooner. Don’t let people affect your thoughts or actions. You need to get over your feelings and move on. As it is said “Life is a marathon, not a sprint!

4- Delete the person from your mind.

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If that person brings in constant bunch of problems for you…press that DELETE button now! The common sense move is to remove that person out of your life. You have got much more than just solving problems that other people bring in for you. One small change like this and everything else in your life may get better.

5- Accept it.


Once the point 4 is into action, accept it. I don’t care if it is your best friend whom you have been with for the past 5-6 years or cousins or whatever. If they bring in pain and problems-remove them from your life. And accept to move on. Life will be much more brighter if you accept the fact. If you think that you can change that person let me tell you-People do NOT change. You can’t change a person who sucks. If you think you can..Sorry to tell you then even you suck.

Dealing with people can be frustrating at times. I hope these things help you not to lose your mind over it!  🙂

-Vatsal Doshi

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I'm a guy who loves to learn as long as I like it. Else than that, I like to blog, play games, listen to music and make new friends. Passionate about football. My motto- "Spread happiness as it's free of cost!" :)


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