Manchester City vs Liverpool Pre-view Match Day 2


man city vs liverpool 2

The Premier League has started with a bang! In the first matchday we saw upsets, last minute goals, exciting football and great excitement which is why Premier League is the most popular league in the world. All the teams are ready to fight for the glory in that particularly two teams are up there for the challenge, Liverpool and Manchester City. Liverpool and Manchester city won their first matchday games beating Southampton and Newcastle United respectively. Liverpool won 2-1 from a late winner of Daniel Sturridge, while Man City defeated Newcastle comfortably by 2-0.

pelle vs brenda

Manchester City and Liverpool will be playing each other this Saturday. It is just second match of the season and both the teams who have hopes of finishing top will be having a tough ride such early in the season. Manuel Pellegrini and Brendon Rodgers both have a philosophy of attacking and beautiful football. Manchester United used to be top of the table and they have always been the biggest rivals for these 2 particular teams but now with Manchester United no more in the title contention, Man City vs Liverpool will be a great battle to watch as the points won and lose will eventually have the impact.

city vs liverpool Premier League

The game will be of beautiful passing game which both teams are favorites to win but Man City will be having home advantage over Reds and on paper the sky blues look a bit stronger but football is a game upsets and Liverpool beating Manchester City at Etihad Stadium will be a slight upset for the defending champions of the premier league but I do predict a 2-1 win for the home side.


– Jainam Jhaveri

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