All You Needed To Know About Dr. Manmohan Singh



Manmohan Singh the 14th Prime Minister of India from 2004 to 2014. He is the first Sikh in the office & the first Prime Minister after Jawaharlal Nehru to be re-elected after completing a full five year term.

Manmohan Singh was born on 26 September 1932 in Gah (Punjab, Pakistan). Singh’s family migrated to India during its partition in 1947. Manmohan Singh lost his mother Amrit Kaur at a very tender age & was brought up by his paternal grandmother. He completed his Economics tripos at University of Cambridge as he was member of St John’s college in 1957 & that he went to University of Oxford for the D.Phill  after completing his graduation he returned to India until 1966 when he went to work for the United Nations Conference on Trade & Development(UNCTAD) from 1966 to 1969 Later he was appointed as an adviser to the Ministry of Foreign Trade by Lalit Narayan Mishra, in recognition to Singh’s talent. And after that there was no looking back to Manmohan Singh.


He has held many important positions in the politics of India. In 1972 he was Chief Advisor in Ministry of Finance & in 1976 he was Secretary in Ministry of Finance. In 1980 he was at the Planning Commission & in 1982 he was appointed as the Governor of Reserve Bank of India. He also went on to become the become the deputy chairman of Planning Commission. He was the Secretary General of the South Commission,an independent think tank headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland.

In 1991 his real political carrier started when he was appointed has the Finance Minister of India where he proved his worth in tough situations & crises that India was facing. Singh was first elected to the upper house of Parliament, the Rajya Sabha in 1991 by the legislature of the state of Assam & was again re-elected in 1995, 2001, 2007 & 2013. After the 2004 general elections he was appointed as the Prime Minister of India & the rest we say is the history.


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Ayesha Patel


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