Manmohan Singh – ‘Sayana Aadmi’ Please SPEAK UP!


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I know some might actually laugh at the title given to Manmohan Singh because it means “Wise Man”. This was something told by BJP Leader Arun Jaitley. Every citizen has been angry with Manmohan Singh for not speaking up when he should have. He should have been prompt in taking decisions on his own rather than depending on “OTHERS” opinions.

He should have used his powers for good and this would have made a lot of difference today! But apart from this, he was a very good finance minister and played a major role in 1991, when there was need for some economic reforms. He was not given enough credits by Prime Minister PV Narasimha Rao then. We have always blamed Manmohan Singh for not speaking up, but the real thing is he always had limited powers because it was all under someone else’s control (you know who).

Arun Jaitley recently wrote on his blog about Manmohan Singh being a “Syana Aadmi” and will be remembered as the best finance minister. He even said “It was his inability to overrule people which affected his functioning. He did not have the last word. Had he overruled his finance minister on the retrospective tax law knowing fully well the consequences of a retrospective taxation, the Prime Minister would have stood out. If he had stood up and cancelled the coal blocks allocation once the fraud was revealed or cancelled the 2G licenses himself rather than wait for the court to do it, I have no doubt that history would have recorded him very differently. It was the inability to speak up within his own party that may compel the historians to take a different view of the man”

We have always picked up on his faults and never appreciated what he did for India when it was financially broken and had no hopes of reviving. Lets for once appreciate what he did, which has made India capable to stand somewhere in the competition!

– Saloni Tolia

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