Mardaani Review, (1st) First Day Box Office Collection (Earnings) 22 August 2014



Meet Shivani Shivaji Roy, Senior Inspector, Crime Branch, Mumbai Police, as she sets out to confront the mastermind behind the child trafficking mafia, which makes the mistake of kidnapping and smuggling a teenage girl who is like a daughter to her. Fighting a war which is very personal and in an obsessive hunt for the girl, Shivani stumbles into the world of debauchery, cruel desires and exploitation and onto a case that will change her life forever. What follows is a cat and mouse game between a fearless cop and a young and ruthless mafia kingpin. Catch Rani Mukerji in the lead, playing an edge of the seat role of a lifetime, in this raw and gritty film which will be a distinct departure from Pradeep Sarkar’s style of filmmaking.


Ratings:2.5/5 Review By: Madhureeta Mukherjee 

Site: Times Of India (TOI)

While there is nothing in the plot that you haven’t seen before, it is still watchable for the superb performance of Rani. This movie could have continuous recall had the pace been racier. And if you could also buy into the emotional tracks between Shivani and her husband, her niece or her ward. Also, Rani is the only member of the cast with star value. The rest of the actors, including the English-speaking young goon, are inconsequential.

Ratings:3/5 Review By: Taran Adarsh 

Site:Bollywood Hungama

MARDAANI grabs your attention from the commencement and never relents. Padding the proceedings with several intense episodes, MARDAANI eventually becomes the good versus evil fight as the protagonist makes her way to the baddie behind the baddies. On the whole, MARDAANI is relevant, powerful and inspiring with a top notch performance by Rani Mukerji. Worth a watch!



Ratings:2.5/5 Review By: Sukanya Verma 

Site: Rediff

What it really is though but a middling action thriller engaging a cat-and-mouse game between a shrewd crime branch officer (who happens to be a woman) and a demented young man running a vast human trafficking business. Mardaani is a bland version of Liam Neeson’s Taken. If only the script weighed more in intensity of thoughts than stagy heroics and simplistic resolutions, it could do a lot more for women in the film industry if not society in general.


(1st) First Day Box Office Collection (Earnings) 22 August 2014

The Box Office expected collection of Mardaani is near about Rs 7 – 8 crore on the very first day of the release. This movie is an average budget movie that is why the expectations are not that high.

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