Mark Your Calendar : Rubber Eraser Day Is On 15th April 2014




1) This simple product called “Rubber” has done so much for so many. It has been a bookkeeper’s best friend and writer’s handmaiden.

2) Rubber Eraser Day is for all those office supply geeks, eraser collectors, artists, writers, librarians, school children and rubber eraser lovers.

3) Rubber Eraser Day symbolizes if you ever have made a mistake, then today is the day for you.  Step away from the computer, pick up a pencil, scribble something and enjoy that lovely eraser on the back of the pencil.

4) Eraser was discovered from an Indian rubber – a vegetable gum from North America by an English man named Joseph Priestley on 15th April, 1770.

5) From Japanese erasers to decorative art prints, posters, and cartoons, the humble eraser is praised and sought after all over the world.

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