Marketing Management Case Study For Practice



Dear BMSites, This “Case Study for Practice” section explores the theory of Marketing Management subject and helps you provide a practice of solving a case study by applying the theoretical as well as practical knowledge.

Here we present Marketing Management Case Study For Practice:

Marketing strategists wisely use the old axiom health is wealth into wealth is health. A well known concern Marico has been experimenting with healthy and functional foods under the umbrella brand name – Saffola. Saffola cooking oil commands good market share with its famous ad campaign “healthy for the heart”. This slogan has continued since 1990s. It dwelt on what regular edible oils did to the vital organ – build cholesterol which eventually damaged the heart. Saffola means heart. That is the positioning in the mind of people.

In the past few years, the brand has been extended to low-sodium salt and atta mixes for diabetes besides the core cooking oil. Rice is the latest addition to the list. Saffola Arise, a low Glycemic index rice was launched recently by Marico at an invitation price for a four and half kg pack and one kg pack. The CEO of Marico observed “Glycemic Index diet contains carbohydrates, which digests slowly and helps release glucose over a longer period of time keeping the body fuller thereby helping in weight management.”

Saffola’s brand extensions into salt and atta mixes have been slightly muted in their performance as well as visibility. By riding on Saffola brand name Marico hopes to push up their sales. Saffola brand name being extended into a few more categories in a future cannot be ruled out. In the field of marketing, health benefit space allows to experiment with innovative products roping in substantial revenues.


1) What is meant by brand extension?

2) What kind of competition is faced by Saffola?

3) How important is price factor in marketing health food?

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