Marketing Strategies of HLL Case Study For Practice



Do you think products last forever? Well, new products actually cost more than the existing products due to the high costs involved in production and development of the product. The initial customers are early adopters of the product. Whenever the product is in the declining stage, the competitors leave the market and prices become very low. Hence, the product marketing at each stage is different.

Here we present Marketing Strategies of HLL Case Study For Practice:

Tooth brush market size – Rs. 275 crores.

Colgate-Palmolive: 39.9%,

HLL – 21%,

Indian Shaving Product – 7%,

Smithkline Beecham – 2.6%,

Jordan – 1.6%,

Other – 27.9%

Like a tooth paste, tooth brush market is also dominated by CP and HLL. The market growth rate is just 10% and the USP in this commodity – turned brand market is ‘product innovation’.

To counter attack SB’s Aquafresh brand, HLL immediately launched Pepsodent Popular. In both brushes, the flexibility came from spring like elasticity of the handle, enabling the angle of the head to be changed. Before this, the battle centered around the length, texture, colour and size of bristles. The examples of Indian Shaving Product’s Oral B against Pepsodent Perfect can be cited with Colgate Zig-Zag. For SB, ISP and other it is the war for sales, market share and profits. But for CP and HLL it is entry vehicle for toothpastes market, assuming whosoever picks up say Close up tooth brush, is likely to pick up same brand of tooth paste too. Hence CP and HLL both trying hard to create leadership in this oral care segment.


Q.1) Explain product mix strategies of HLL.

Q.2) Explain branding strategies of HLL.

Q.3) To achieve slot no. 1 in tooth brush segment, what marketing strategy is required?


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