Marketing versus Advertising


Marketing versus Advertising


Failure sometimes occurs even before the process starts because companies are confused by the apparent   similarity  between  the  purpose  of  advertising  and  marketing.  Both  are  meant  to encourage  consumers  to   purchase  products  and  services,  however,  there  is  a  fundamental difference between the two. Advertising is only one part of the marketing process, and its job is to deliver messages that have a psychological effect on the consumer. While marketing, which also includes functions such as public relations, promotion, sales, packaging, and pricing, has the more inclusive job of moving products and services from the seller to the buyer.


Companies  when  asked  about  advertising  objectives  almost  always  reply  with  marketing objectives. If they have a formal marketing plan, the advertising objectives are typically statements like: to increase sales, or to expand  market share. These are too broad and general, making it almost impossible to measure success. More specific objectives such as increase sales by 15%, or expand market share by 5% aren‘t much better because they are marketing goals, not advertising goals. Advertising cannot achieve marketing goals all by itself. If a company wants to measure the results  of  its  advertising,  it  has  to  be  more  specific  in  the  definition  of what  it  expects  to accomplish through the use of advertising.



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