Marriage – A Sacrament


MARRIAGE is when two people unite in love and faith. It is not a compromise or a formality. It is a sacrament. Sacrament means a “SACRED COMMITMENT”. We all are so used to using the word commitment. In today’s world it is a very common term that we often use. A boy and a girl are dating; they in love or they are in a relationship all these terms are common to show the relationship that they share rather a term or a name given. Often hear girls using the term “I am in a Committed Relationship”. By committed relationship she only means that she and her boy have come to terms with each other’s likings, dislikes, anger and joy and have decided to have a long term relationship that further leads to marriage. By commitment marriage is what she means.

How far does it go? The relationship or these called committed relationship. Does it go up to marriage? Marriage is a total different step all together.

Often women feel after us dating then he will marry me then I will feel secure and no one can steal him away from me or he will not go anywhere else won’t hook up with any girl. This is absolutely a wrong thought. There are things beyond marriage too that a person should realise. Some people term marriage as a compromise and a formality. But have failed to understand that marriage requires understanding, adjustments and it is a sacrament.

It is not just a word of Couse once you are legally married, you can live with the person and be with the man you love. But marriage is much more than just a ring or a name given to a relationship that is considered ethical in the society. Marriage is about living together in harmony just like the cords of a piano black and white but both blend together to form a melodious tune. There are certain vows we take for marriage. Wedding vows in church or in the mandap are the same but said and performed differently. When you take the vow that you so and so will take the other person as their lawfully wedded wife or husband, and you promise to love them adore them for the rest of your life. You promise to be with them in their sickness and health, in their weakness and strength till death does you both apart. Such powerful vows but how many of us really know and understand the meaning of it.

Wedding vows are so sacred and said in front of the alter where the lord is watching patiently and rejoicing in your unity. Marriage is not just you and your hubby becoming one. It is more about you and your hubby being one in union with Christ. Here Christ is the centre focus and he is bestowed his blessing upon you both to love and live in union with Christ. Therefore in marriage when you abuse or raise hands on your spouse you’re not just hurting your partner but you hurt God too.

To all us younger generation’s marriage is the licence to get intimate with our partner officially and it won’t be considered a sin. Here getting intimate is not the logic. The logic here is when you get intimate with your partner on your wedding night it is the union of two bodies, two souls, becoming one in Christ. The lord says be fruitful and multiply. Men are women are created in the image and likeness of God to unite in love and have a family. That is what marriage is about having a family. Growing and having your own children.

Although with the increase in population and family planning newlywed don’t opt for having a family soon after their marriage it is the family planning that is done.

Few things in marriage that makes marriage successful

  • Always remember with marriage and uniting of two people comes uniting of two families.
  • There shouldn’t be anything like your parents and mine, it should be our parents.
  • It shouldn’t be your family and my family it should be our family.
  • Your earnings and mine it should be our earnings.
  • Being there for each other’s parents is the right way to go.

After marriage a lot of things change. Responsibilities double up. Workload increases. Also when you’re planning to have a family the worry takes over. All these things should be handled with utmost care.

Certain things men need to handle after marriage

  • If you have an attractive wife and you are so used to seeing her beautifully dressed and suddenly after she getting pregnant you will find her so non attractive. It is normal that her body is undergoing certain changes and she won’t look the same the way she used to when she was your girlfriend or when she just got married to you.
  • She gets irritated quite often and is in a bad mood. She doesn’t give a heap to all the romantic stuff that you do.
  • She gets emotional quiet often and doesn’t be at peace and doesn’t let you be at peace.

All these problems come when she is pregnant it isn’t a problem actually it is just changes that are temporary and you should be patient with it.  Most men and women think marriage is over due to all these things but it is just a way of saying it is the start to a whole new journey of parenthood. Marriage is not a bed of roses. Initial years are fun and happy that doesn’t mean the latter part is horrible and hideous it only means you know changes will come and you have to be prepared for it. You can make it work well by being patient. More than anything it is a commitment so loyalty, faithfulness and understanding matters. You must both encourage each other and be happy in seeing each other excel and prosper.


  • Carren Bryne.

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