‘Mary Kom’ Tweets, Status, Photos Trending on Twitter


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  1. Irony of ‘Mary Kom‘ is that the film in 3 days has earned 10 times more money of what real Mary Kom earned in 10 years of her boxing career.
  2. Mary Kom is story of a girl who not only fought but defeated the biggest rival a girl could have, ‘The Indian Mentality’
  3. Mary Kom‘ shows the first time an athlete and trained boxer has stepped into the ring with full scale blush and lipstick on to fight.
  4. The character I loved the most in Mary Kom was her husband. Very few are that supportive, caring and sensitive.
  5. I saw many people leaving the theater without watching Mary Kom after they saw the trailer of happy new year before the start of the movie





(Disclaimer: The information provided here includes information derived from social media and we neither endorse nor support the same.)

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