Material Handling

•The primary material handling objective is to efficiently move large quantities of inventory into and specific customers orders out of the warehouse.
•The functions performed in a warehouse are classified as movement or Handling and storage.
•Movement or handling is emphasized and storage is secondary.
•Handling is divided into
-In storage handling , and
•An extremely important aspect of logistics is the productivity potential that can be realized from capital investment in material-handling equipment.
•Specialized handling equipment is required for unloading bulk materials such as for solids, fluids, or gaseous materials.
•The guidelines suggested in designing the material handling systems are:
(a)Equipment for handling and storage should be  as standardized as possible.
(b)When in motion, the system should provide maximum continuous flow.
(c)Investment should be made in handling rather than stationery equipment.

(d) Handling equipment should be utilized to the maximum extent possible.

(e) In selecting handling equipment, the ratio of deadweight to payload should be minimized.

(f) Whenever possible, gravity flow should be incorporated in the system design.

•The handling systems can be classified as under:
-Semi automated
-Automated, and
-Information directed.

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