Maundy Thursday 2014 SMS, Quotes, Wishes, Sayings, Text Messages, WhatsApp Messages, Facebook Status, Holy Week HD images, Wallpapers


In his last supper, Jesus gave his body and blood for us! Let us remember this beautify act of the Lord on this Maundy Thursday. Happy Maundy Thursday!


When u face problems in life
don’t ask GOD to take them away
Ask Him to show His purpose
Ask ways how to live a day searching his purpose for you.

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I love Jesus and want to change my life completely, I just want to
serve my Jesus Christ till last breath by preaching Gospel because He
loves me more than my imaginations and I want to put all my endeavors
to make Him happy so that when He come back with His angels then I
will be able to welcome Him by flying in the sky.



Jesus, Jesus, I love you
I love you with all of my heart
Oh Jesus, Jesus, Yeshua Jesus
Never to be apart


Last night I had a vision, oh it wasn’t a dream
But something so real embraced my soul
And I was taken up to the third heaven
To a beautiful flower garden green


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Aishwarya Mehta
live lazzy ..... go crazzy ^_^ Berry pin - 7582495D <3 <3 intagram - ash_0309


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