MBA – A Need or Just A Degree ?


Students these days strive to get an Masters Degree just to get a good job for themselves and end up doing MBA from not very well known institute which later on can be reflected from the types of placements they get, Most of them do not ! Well, Surely MBA adds a plus point and gives a boosts to your career in terms of growth that you expect. But getting an MBA degree from a well known institute is better then to opt for the one which is affiliated to so called University but does not adds any value to your resume.

Having gone through many such examples in past one year being into HR and core recruitment, the experience says that having an MBA degree from a well known institute is as good as getting having that potential to fulfill the needs of your employer. Any person will hire you for the fact that you have that level of thinking and can help the organization grow in a progressive way.

Students these days after their graduation go for an MBA or a PG course,paying large fees, and choosing college which could give them the certificate of being a MBA student. Some who are sensible opt for the ones who are known gradually for good placements, good teachings and recognized culture, those who mold the students as they are here for their dreams to get fulfilled. Even taking an experience of 1-2 years and then opting for an MBA course is better then to sit for entrance exams whole year and waste it completely which in turn ruin the resume and creates a doubt in the mind of the interviewer.

MBA just leads to betterment of your life, but is a powerful tool if used in a proper way.

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Visshal T Sawant
Masters in Human Resources with 3 years+ of experience in HR. Currently working with Capgemini as an HR Business Partner. Contributing to other's success is a small medium to educate people about our knowledge. Let's be a part of other's successful journey & make them Happy. Inspire & Grow !!!


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