MBA = Big Money



MBA is a degree wherein you would get the fullest potential to explore.

It has a mixture of improving both your internal and external skills. IT has a great opportunity in long term as it would help your professional life even to reach heights as it improves your hard skills like accounting, finance, production,operation and many fields and even with that soft skills also gets improved such as leadership, teamwork, ethics, communication and so on. Even you are networked with big companies due to the practical learning in MBA. MBA’s have campus interview and they are treated as “perfect brand” for the organization due to the new invention and innovation in them ….

But now-a-days MBA has become rush for money . The students from science and arts field also pursue career for MBA with commerce guys because it has a lot of opportunities and a lot of scope in future in terms of career growth,finance as well as personal growth. But some may be pursuing it as a passion for them as there are individual differences.

So it all depends on the person how he/she takes it. But i feel MBA is not the whole and sole. A person should pursue a career where he feels happy and not because of money. Because in future he will get frustrated as the person will not get satisfied and not be happy….

So make the best to choose a career as will decide your future professional life where you will stand.


I m not a has-been I m a will-be

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I am Dhara Shah, a BMS graduate, a friendly person with a happy go lucky nature but cannot stand by lies in front of me, sometimes stubborn as well. I am fun loving kinda person and talkative too.


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