The Common Admission Test (CAT) is a computer based test held in India for MBA aspirants. This test scores a person on the bases of quantitative ability, data interpretation, verbal ability and logical reasoning.
The Indian Institute of Management (IIMs) started this exam and uses the test for selecting students for their business administration programs. The test is conducted every year by one of the IIM’s based on a policy of rotation. Except for the IIM’s, there are many B-Schools across the nation accept CAT scores.
It is conducted across the country at their different test-centers.
Exam format:
The CAT, like virtually all large-scale exams, utilizes multiple forms, or versions, of the test. Hence there are two types of scores involved viz. raw score and scaled score. The raw score is calculated for each section based on the number of questions one answered correctly, incorrectly, or omitted. Candidates are given +3 points for each correct answer and -1 point for each incorrect answer. No points are given for questions that are not answered. The raw scores are then adjusted, as necessary, through a process called equating. Equated raw scores are then placed on a common scale or metric to ensure appropriate interpretation of the scores. This process is called scaling.
Eligibility criteria:
Educational Qualification
Candidate should have bachelor degree with minimum 50% marks from the reputed and recognized University/Institute.
Appearing in the final year and if you are fulfil the requirement to fill the application form can also apply.
45% marks will be required in case of reserved candidates.
Age limit
Good News for the aspirants who want to fill the form, there is no age limit for the CAT entrance exam; you can apply in any age.
Test Duration and Pattern:
The CAT 2013 had only two sections. The first section is Quantitative Ability & Data Interpretation; the second section is Verbal Ability & Logical Reasoning. These two sections will be implemented sequentially with separate time limits. The examination will be 140 minutes.
Three scaled scores will be presented for each candidate: an overall scaled score and two separate scaled scores for each section. As the two sections evaluate distinct sets of knowledge and skills, scores do not correlate across sections. A high score in one section does not guarantee a high score in another section. Percentile rankings are provided for each individual section as well as for the overall exam score.
Different sections of CAT:
The CAT examination is divided as follows:
Quantitative Aptitude | Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning | Verbal Ability |
Arithmetic | Logical Reasoning | Reading Comprehension |
Algebra | Data Interpretation, Sufficiency | Verbal Logic |
Geometry | Vocabulary | |
Commercial Mathematics | Grammar Correction | |
Miscellaneous |
The Quantitative Aptitude section comprises of fundamental mathematics, based on 10 + 2 difficulty level. Problems are found to appear from various topics like Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry and Commercial Mathematics (Word Problems). The questions are largely based on application of mathematics to solve real-time problems.
The Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning section comprises of questions which are asked based on the given data. The data given might be in the form of graphs, charts, tables and paragraphs. Data Interpretation problems test the candidate’s understanding of the data and the ability to solve problems accurately. Logical Reasoning questions check the candidate’s ability to ratiocinate and evaluate problems.
The Verbal Ability section comprises of questions on comprehension and usage of Standard English grammar. Verbal Logic questions test the candidate’s knowledge of arranging paragraphs in a logical order, determining the type of statements, completing the paragraphs in an appropriate way. In general, it is found that all the sections share an equal weight except CAT 2008 and CAT 2004 papers, which have a higher percentage of Verbal Ability problems.
It has to be noted that the CAT does not predefine any specific chapters or content upon which questions can occur. However, any intricate term would be well defined, if the problem requires such knowledge.
Cut-offs for each section
Candidates must secure a minimum mark in each section to qualify for that section and eventually for the CAT. The minimum marks required to qualify varies upon the relative difficulty level of that section compared to other sections of the test. Sectional cut-offs varies mostly on the basis of the performance who appear for the exam in that year. A candidate must also secure a minimum total cut off for the entire paper to earn GD/PI calls from IIMs. It has been observed that different IIMs use different cut-offs to offer calls to selected candidates.
Selection process:
The selection process only begins with the CAT, if you manage to get the good percentile, then it is followed by calls for the GD and PI from IIM’s.