MBA is necessary to be successful?



Many people think that MBA is necessary to succeed in life and this is the only Post Graduation course which makes life successful and excellent.

Success in life means many things and many people. If you want to climb and want success in corporate ladder then MBA is the degree which helps you to climb to the top and you need to do that from a specific B school (I still don’t understand why do people go to schools after completing their college 😉 ). Many people complete their education and start their own businesses. Some of these are multi-billion corps of tomorrow.

For example, Bill gates started building computer in his garage and look where he is now. So what is the point taking an MBA degree only which doesn’t help you to reach to the top. You should also have the caliber and management skill which helps you to reach the corporate ladder. Many people have MBA degrees but still they are Jobless.

This shows that just having an MBA degree is not enough. For success in life you should have interest in a particular field and MBA is not the only career which brings success. Many fields such as engineering, IT, choreography, acting, interior designing, fashion designing and so on are also existing for you to be successful in life. It totally depends on how you want to be successful. Some want job satisfaction, some want money and some want career growth.

So, Grow your power of vision and you will know where you can succeed in life and grow more in life.


I m not a has-been I m a will-be

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I am Dhara Shah, a BMS graduate, a friendly person with a happy go lucky nature but cannot stand by lies in front of me, sometimes stubborn as well. I am fun loving kinda person and talkative too.


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