There is really a difference between PGDM and MBA.

1. MBA is a degree course, while
PGDM is a diploma course.

2. MBA degree is provided by only those institutes that are affiliated to any university.

Eg . JBIMS and FMS, PUMBA. These B-schools are university depts of their respective university.

they follow an academic curriculum as prescribed by the university.

hence these B-Schools give MBA and MMS degrees.

(Note: MMS degrees are the same as MBA degree, the only thing is that Mumbai University gives MMS degrees instead of an MBA.)

3. PGDM courses are offered by private B-Schools that are not affiliated to any University.

eg. IIM’s, XLRI, IIFT, SP Jain.

These institutes prepare their own syllabus, and they are no way dependent on the universities and enjoy full autonomy of their courses.

So B-schools like NMIMS, SP Jain used to provide MMS degrees while they were affiliated to Mumbai University, but now since they have become autonomous , they no longer provide MMS degrees and give PGDM.

And as far as the reputation of these courses are concerned, it all depends on the name of the B-School.

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I am Dhara Shah, a BMS graduate, a friendly person with a happy go lucky nature but cannot stand by lies in front of me, sometimes stubborn as well. I am fun loving kinda person and talkative too.


  1. hi, in need of ur help on same issue,
    my brother is in TY BMS @ mumbai, i found a thread on mgmt paradise wer u said ‘der r options lik career in Import-Export & customs services which we can opt for after BMS’
    i wanted to kno bout these options, course, entrance exam, fee, duration, campus placements, package, etc.
    i’ll b highly obliged if u cud help!

  2. pls send me the topics covered in the two optional subjects ssm & ssf both.
    totally confused in selecting one of these subjects.
    which option would be good if i want to do marketing of the financial products as career?????

    plzz help ….

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