MBA Practice Questions Of The Day – Letter Series


MBA practice questions

We want to help you succeed on the MBA entrance exams. Here you will find a sample online practice test questions on Letter Series with explanations for every question.


In each of the following letter series, some of the letters are missing. They are given in that order as one of the alternatives below it. Choose the correct alternative.

I) ab-baa-cba-bcba-bcba

1) bcaa, 2) abcc, 3) cbaa, 4) caab, 5) None of these.

II) a-cab-abc-bca-cabc

1) bacb, 2) babc, 3) acab, 4) bcab, 5) baac

III) pq-q-pr-qp-r

1) rrpq, 2) rpqr, 3) rrqp, 4)pqrr, 5)rqrp

IV) ab-dcb-bc-adbc-abad –

1) abcda, 2) cbdbc, 3) cabdc, 4)caddc, 5) none of these

V) ba-ba-bac-acb-cbac

1) accb, 2) bbca, 3) ccba, 4) cbac, 5) none of these



I) The series formed is abcba, abcba, abcba, abcba, abcba. So the answer is 3)

II) The series formed is abc, abc, abc, abc, abc, abc. So the answer is 4)

III) The series is pqr, qrp, rpq, pqr. So the answer is 1)

IV) The series formed isabcdcba, bcdadcb, cdabadc. So the answer is 4)

V) The series is bac, bac, bac, bac, bac, bac. So the answer is 3)

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