MBA Practice Questions Of The Day – Verbal Test



Are you Ready to take the MBA entrance exam? Well, try these sample verbal test questions to see where to focus your preparation and study efforts.

In questions 1 to 5, a related pair of words is followed by five pairs of words. Select that pair which expresses the same relationship that is most similar to that of the given pair.

1) Track: Train

i) Petrol : Car

ii) Wheel : Bicycle

iii) Road : Truck

iv) Temple : God

v) Steam : Locomotive

2) Sale : Purchase

i) Shop : Market

ii) Cash : Credit

iii) Profit : Loss

iv) Give : Receive

v) Music : Dance

3) Composer : Music

i) Prose: Novelist

ii) Author : Book

iii) Team: Manager

iv) Actor : Director

v) Invention : Scientist

4) Small : Tiny

i) Short : Tall

ii) Plain : Complicated

iii) Size: Colour

iv) Anger: Rage

v) Alight: Ascend

5) Colour : Eyes

i) Vision : Spectacles

ii) Print: Newspaper

iii) Medicine : Ailment

iv) Fragrance: Nose

v) Lawyer : Court



1) One moves on the other. So the answer is iii)

2) The sense is the same, getting and giving. So the answer is iv)

3) The answer is ii)

4) Both mean the same but the intensity is different. So the answer is iv)

5) Appeal of a thing to a particular sense. So the answer is iv)

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