MBA Questions of the day (12 Oct’13)


Q158 to 162 : Krishna distributed 10 acre of land to Gopal and Ram who paid him the total amount in the ratio 2 : 3. Gopal invested a further Rs.2 lac in the land and planted coconut and lemon trees in the ratio 5 : 1 on equal area of land. There were a total of 100 lemon trees. The cost of one coconut was Rs.5. The crop took 7 years to mature and when the crop was reaped in 1997, the total revenue generated was 25% of the total amount put in by Gopal and Ram together. The revenue generated from the coconut and lemon trees was in the ratio 3 : 2 and it was shared equally by Gopal and Ram as the initial amount spent by them were equal.


158. What was the total output of coconuts?

(a) 24000

(b) 36000

(c) 18000

(d) 48000


159. What was the value of output per acre of lemon trees planted? (in lakh/acre)

(a) 0.24

(b) 2.4

(c) 24

(d) Cannot be determined


160. What was the amount received by Gopal in 1997?

(a) Rs.1.5 lac

(b) Rs.3.0 lac

(c) Rs.6 lac

(d) None of these


161. What was the value of output per tree for coconuts?

(a) 36

(b) 360

(c) 3600

(d) 240


162. What was the ratio of yields per acre of land for coconuts & lemons (in terms of number of lemons and cocunuts)?

(a) 3 : 2

(b) 2 : 3

(c) 1 : 1

(d) Cannot be determined






158 (b)
159 (a)
160 (a)
161 (b)
162 (d)

158. It is said that Gopal and Ram invested equal amounts initially. Let the amount paid by both of them to Krishna be 2x and 3x respectively. Gopal further invested Rs.2 lakh. Hence we can say (2x + 2) = 3x or x = 2 lakhs. Hence the initial amounts paid by Gopal and Ram to Krishna is 4 lakhs and 6 lakhs. So Gopal and Ram together put in (6 + 6) = 12 lakhs initially (note that this includes Rs.2 lakhs put in by Gopal later). The total revenue generated is 25% of 12 lakhs = 3 lakhs. The revenue from coconut and lemon trees are in the ratio 3 : 2. Hence 3 lakhs when divided in the ratio 3 : 2 gives, Rs.180000 from coconut and Rs.120000 from lemons. And since each cost costs Rs.5, the total output of cocnut would be (180000/5) = 36000.
159.Lemon and coconut trees were planted on equal areas of land viz. 5 acres each. The value of lemon output per acre of land = (120000/5) = 0.24 lakh/acre.
160. The total revenue of Rs.300000 was divided equally by Gopal and Ram. Hence amount received by Gopal in 1997 = ½ x 300000 = Rs.1.5 lakhs.
161. The ratio of the number of trees of coconut and lemon was 5:1. Since the number of lemon trees is 100, the number of coconut trees is 500. So they totally obtained a revenue of Rs.180000 from 500 coconut trees. Hence value per tree = (180000/500) = Rs.360.
162. We have not been given the cost of 1 lemon. In the light of this fact we cannot find the number of lemons produced and hence the required ratio cannot be determined.

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