MBA Questions of the day (16 Oct’13)


16. A motor cyclist goes from Bombay to Poona, a distance of 192 kms. at an average speed of 32 kmph. Another man starts from Bombay by car, 2.5 hours after the first and reaches Poona 1/2 an hour later. What is the ratio of the speed of the motorcycle and the car?


(1) 1 : 2                  (2) 1 : 3                  (3) 10 : 27              (4) 2 : 3                  (5) None of these


17. A shop’s receipts on the first day of the week were Rs. 10000, on the second day, 20%  more than this and on the 3rd day, 80% of the sum of the receipts of the first 2 days. What was the average of the receipts during three day period (in rupees)?


(1) 10533.33          (2) 12300               (3) 12500               (4) 13200               (5) None of these


16. (4)
17. (4)

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