MBA Questions of the day (17 Sep’13)


Q1 to 5: A part of each sentence given below has been underlined. You have to select the option that best replaces the underlined part.


1. British Airspace has been focusing on building European links.

(a) concentrating on creating European links.

(b) pursuing ways of building European connectivity.

(c) stressing on building European links.

(d) focusing on forging European links.


2. The appetite of banks for funds was lost under the onslaught of the slowdown, corporates refused to borrow even as bank deposits flourished.

(a) bank deposits flourished.

(b) bank deposits swelled

(c) bank deposits were enhanced.

(d) bank deposits flummoxed


3. The eighth-century revival of Byzantine learning is an inexplicable phenomenon, and its economic and military precursors have yet to be discovered.

(a) a phenomenon yet to be discovered.

(b) a phenomenon incompletely explained.

(c) an inexplicable phenomenon.

(d) an unidentifiable phenomenon


4. The management can still hire freely but cannot scold freely.

(a) cannot scold at will.

(b) cannot give umbrage

(c) cannot take decisions to scold.

(d) cannot scold willfully.


5. Many people mistake familiar for a vulgar style, and suppose that to write without affectation is to write at random speed.

(a) is to write at random.

(b) is to write randomly

(c) is to write fast

(d) is to do speed writing



1 (d)
2 (b)
3 (c)
4 (a)
5 (a)


1. ‘To forge’ implies to create a lasting relationship based on hard work.

2. Bank deposits ‘swelled’ implies that they increased to a great extent.

3. The original phrase is the best suited for the given sentence.

4. ‘At will’ fits here perfectly, in opposition to ‘freely’.

5. ‘To write at random’ is more concise than ‘to write at a random speed’ and conveys the meaning perfectly.

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