MBA Questions of the day (26 Oct’13)


Direction for questions (61 & 62): Six persons A, B, C, D, E and F are sitting around a round table in the following way: C faces B, A is to the left of F and D is to the right of B.


61. Who is facing E?


(1) F                       (2) D                      (3) B                      (4) A                      (5) Can’t be established


62. Which of the following statements is wrong?


1. A faces D.

2. B is to the left of D.

3. E and A have one person between them.

4. A is to the right of C.

5. E and F have one person between them.


(1) 1                       (2) 2                       (3) 3                       (4) 4                       (5) 5





61. (1)
62. (5)

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