MBA Questions of the day (4 Oct’13)


Q87 – 90 : Mr. Bankatlal acted as a judge for the beauty contest. There were four participants, viz. Ms. Andhra Pradesh, Ms. Uttar Pradesh, Ms. West Bengal and Ms. Maharashtra. Mrs. Bankatlal, who was very anxious about the result asked him about it as soon as he was back home. Mr. Bankatlal just told that the one who was wearing the yellow saree won the contest. When Mrs. Bankatlal pressed for further details, he elaborated as follows:

All of them were sitting in a row.

All of them wore sarees of different colours, viz. Green, Yellow, White, Red.

There was only one runner up and she was sitting beside Ms. Maharashtra.

The runner up was wearing the Green saree.

Ms. West Bengal was not sitting at the ends and was not the runner up.

The winner and the runner up are not sitting adjacent to each other.

Ms. Maharashtra was wearing white saree.

Ms. Andhra Pradesh was not wearing the Green saree.

Participants wearing Yellow saree and White saree were at the ends.


87. Who wore the Red saree?

(a) Ms. Andhra Pradesh

(b) Ms. West Bengal

(c) Ms. Uttar Pradesh

(d) Ms. Maharashtra


88. Ms. West Bengal was sitting adjacent to …….

(a) Ms. Andhra Pradesh and Ms. Maharashtra

(b) Ms. Uttar Pradesh and Ms. Maharashtra

(c) Ms. Andhra Pradesh and Ms. Uttar Pradesh

(d) Ms. Uttar Pradesh only.



89. Which saree was worn by Ms. Andhra Pradesh?

(a) Yellow

(b) Red

(c) Green

(d) White


90. Who was the runner up?

(a) Ms. Andhra Pradesh

(b) Ms. West Bengal

(c) Ms. Uttar Pradesh

(d) Ms. Maharashtra



87 (b)
88 (c)
89 (a)
90 (c)

87. Ms. Maharashtra was wearing white. Since Ms. West Bengal was not the runner up, she was not wearing green and neither was Ms. Andhra Pradesh. Hence, it was Ms. Uttar Pradesh who was wearing green saree. So red could have either be worn by Ms. West Bengal or by Ms. Andhra Pradesh. Now participants wearing Yellow saree and White saree were at the ends, but Ms. West Bengal did not occupy any of these positions. Hence it can be concluded that Ms. Andhra Pradesh sat at one of the ends and wore yellow, while Ms. West Bengal wore red.

88. From the previous answer is can be concluded that Ms. Maharashtra and Ms. Andhra Pradesh occupied the seats at the end. So, Ms. West Bengal and Ms. Uttar Pradesh, should occupy middle two seats. So the answers could be either (b) or (c). It can further be concluded that since Ms. Andhra Pradesh wore yellow, she was the winner and since Ms. Uttar Pradesh wore green, she was the runner up. So these two cannot sit together. Option (b) would contradict this. Hence the correct answer choice is (c).

89. From answer to Q87, it can be seen that Ms. Andhra Pradesh had worn the Yellow saree.

90. From answer to Q87, it can be seen that Ms. Uttar Pradesh was the runner up.

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