App Review: MBA –Test Prep, A Boon For The smart Phone Generation



So as October is approaching and all those appearing for CAT 2014 are gearing themselves up this one is for you. If you are aiming for one of the top business schools in the country then you need to buckle up your shoes and start working more then you did before. MBA- test prep is one of those app you all need in your smart phones. It is a blessing for all those who stick to their phones and can’t get enough out of it.

All you need is that smart phone with a good internet connection and you start. The app has basically 6 options

1. Word list

The list has words from A-Z along with their synonyms and usage examples which you can bookmark as well. It also has flash cards which are very useful accompanied by daily word list of 5 words for your daily practice.

2. Question of the day-

This section has basically one question per day for you to answer. The best part of this section is that you can go back to previous questions which you would have missed

3. Tip of the day-

You may love me for this, this section provides amazing tips which are of practical use on all the subjects

4. Puzzle of the week-

If you truly possess those managerial skills this is the best section to test them on their own.

5. News-

the news you missed because of your hectic schedule, you can surely go through it here.

6. Announcements-

All those important announcements regarding the entrance exams, you can get them here on one single click.

mba test prep

So this is all about this app. If you are one of them who is preparing for the entrance, then this app is worth downloading.


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