mCouple App: Spy your partner




In the days of break ups and patch ups between the youth, there is something which may prove to be a nightmare for partner’s who cheat on the other partner. With so many crazy apps we’ve been seeing form the past few years, there is a new app which may woo us all. This app is for all who are in a relationship.

An app that can be downloaded on your Android or iOS device, mCouple is an app which can keep track of your partners. So, if someone thinks their significant other is cheating on them of if they’re anxious about who their partner is talking to and where he/she is going, they can take some help from this app. It works in a two-way fashion, so both the partners need to have it installed on their devices in order to take advantage of it.

mcouple img

Developed by a London-based firm named mSpy, its key concept is that all the history from your device will be accessible on your partner’s device. This means, any call or message you get during your day will be accessible on your partner’s connected smartphone without any bounds. The same applies for contact entries made by you as well. That’s not all, its GPS tracking attribute makes it possible to track every move your partner makes. Facebook hasn’t been kept out mCouple’s purview as well, with partners having been given the option of viewing all the Facebook chats of their significant others.

There’s a fairly simple process that’s needed in order to tie up both partners’ smartphones so as to make information accessible to each other. mCouple can be downloaded now through the Google Play and the Apple App Store free of cost.


By Anand Thakkar

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