Media Buying



Media buying refers to buying space and time in the media. Media buying is undertaken by the media planning department of the advertising agency. The following are the steps are involved in media buying:

 Selection of publication or programmes on Dorrdarshan, radio or satellite TV.

 Getting approval from the client regarding the selection of publication / programmes.

 Inviting press-media representatives or other media representatives from the selected list of media.

 Finalising package deals far as group publications are concerned. i.e. to obtain concessions in the media charges , if the ad is to run simultaneously in two or three publications of the same group such as Indian Express Group of Publications.

 Negotiating charges for bleed ads. Normally, publications charge 10% more. Negotiations are in respect of waiving the extra charges.

 Negotiations may also take place to obtain premium positioning of the ads such as back cover, spread, etc.

 Non-accredited publications (those which are not recognized by INS) do provide more than 15% commission. Negotiations take place to get more commission from such publications. The benefits of extra commission is passed on by the agency to client (advertiser)

 Media planning department also hold meetings with the producers of serials on DD, Satellite TV, etc. This enables the agency to get serial /programme sponsored by its client.

 The media planning department may obtain a final approval from the client.

 Based on the final approved plan from the media planner, the media operators department books time and space in the media.

 The media operations department makes all necessary arrangement to supply advertising material such as U-matic tapes, audio cassettes, art work and copy, various madis well before the deadline.

The billing and checking department checks on monitors the publications/ broadcasting / telecasting of the ad.

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