Media’s Influence On Body Image


media influence

We all know that the media is everywhere. It influences us to buy certain products or to vote for a certain political candidate. What we don’t all know is that the media is a main accomplice of the negative ways women view their bodies.

Social media sites like Facebook and Twitter have become a huge part of most teens’ lives. But do they help or hurt our self-esteem and body image?

Nearly 91 percent of all women are unhappy with the appearance of their bodies. To try and resolve this, many turn to dieting, which can progress into pathological dieting, so they can work toward achieving the ideal body image set by our culture. Many of these pathological dieters develop some type of eating disorder.

Teenage girls are dying to be thin, literally. Twenty million women suffer from some type of eating disorders during their lifetime. This destructive disease is all rooted back to one culprit — a low self-esteem due to harmful media exposure.

We live in a day and age where adolescent girls cannot even look at a cover of a magazine without being bombarded with unrealistic photographs of celebrities supposedly possessing the perfect body. They have nearly impossible waist sizes, silky hair and flawless complexions – none of which are achievable for the average person.

Once past the cover, the magazine’s pages are plastered with models that are supposed to represent what is beautiful. In reality, only 5 percent of women naturally possess the “ideal body” that the media portray as attractive. However, young subscribers to fashion magazines rarely recognize the fact that those models don’t naturally look like that. The models undergo extreme dieting and the magic of Photoshop to gain their well-known appearances.

Instead of the media praising this behavior, they should be encouraging that a healthy body coincides with beauty. The company Dove took and in 2004, The Dove Campaign for Real Beauty was launched.

The women who appeared in their ads didn’t fit the stereotypical models that are usually used in advertisements; these women had curves. The ads encouraged women to embrace their inner beauty and see that each woman is beautiful in her own way. Using media exposure in a positive way, Dove is allowing women to see what true beauty looks like.

Like many female college students, I love to read a good fashion magazine. There is something relaxing about flipping through the slick, glossy pages.

While scanning through the clothing ads, I can’t help but stop and wish that I had a certain body type so I could wear those styles. I think, “maybe if I was that skinny I could wear the ‘cool’ brands and be considered popular among my peers.”

Flip through a few more pages and you find exercise plans to help you get that bikini body in six weeks, which is very unlikely to happen. The magazines suck in targeted victims, making them think those images are how they are supposed to look. Readers don’t realize that media are impacting them until it is too late.

The media are powerful things that influence millions, for better or worse. In this case, they are allowing young girls to feel that in order to be pretty, they need to be thin. Maybe if more companies used the power of media to show that being healthy is the new thin, we wouldn’t have so many people struggling with body image.






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CKT College

The Changu Kana Thakur Arts, Commerce and Science College, New Panvel is accredited with grade ’A’ by NAAC, recipient of ’Best College Award’ by University of Mumbai and awarded with ’College with Potential for Excellence Status’ by University Grants Commission. It is located in Khanda Colony at New Panvel, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra.