Meerut Sedition Drama : Kashmiri students charged after Asia cup match



Kashmiri students from Swami Vivekananda Subharti University in Meerut were charged under sections 124A, 153 and 427 of the IPC by the UP government when the girls cheered Pakistan for beating India in the Asia cup match last Sunday. It became a political issue in New Delhi and Srinagar and People’s Democratic Party patron Mufti Mohammad Sayeed had to call on Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to look into it. The University officials felt that the entire episode was blown out of proportion and confirmed that they had filed no complaint against any students in police station but they have suspended students for their own safety. The contents of the complaint filed by the university administration attracted charges of sedition under section 124 (a), spreading hatred between castes and communities under section 153, and causing damage to property under section 427 of the IPC.

Well the controversy arises few questions like – Can cheering for the winning team show that you have anti-national feelings?  Why UP administration should take such a drastic step in the first place when the students were willing to come and apologise for their behavior?

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