Active 6 years ago Tushar


Member since March 12, 2019

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  • Tushar posted a new activity comment 6 years ago

    I cant seem to find it using the search option. Can you please let me know the link to it. This is really important. I need the Syllabus and reference books for Semester I, Semester III and Semester V for the same year as mentioned above ie 2014.

  • Tushar posted a new activity comment 6 years ago

    I cant seem to find it using the search option. Can you please let me know the link to it. This is really important. I need the Syllabus and reference books for Semester I, Semester III and Semester V for the same year as mentioned above ie 2014.

  • Tushar posted a new activity comment 6 years ago

    Sorry Semester V?

    • already uploaded on the site, use the search option.

      • Hey,
        I cant seem to find it using the search option. Can you please let me know the link to it. This is really important. I need the Syllabus and reference books for Semester I, Semester III and Semester V for the same year as mentioned above ie 2014.

  • Tushar posted a new activity comment 6 years ago

    Can you please upload the Syllabus and reference books for Semester I, Semester III and Semester VI for the same year. I am really in urgent need for it.

    • Sorry Semester V?

      • already uploaded on the site, use the search option.

        • Hey,
          I cant seem to find it using the search option. Can you please let me know the link to it. This is really important. I need the Syllabus and reference books for Semester I, Semester III and Semester V for the same year as mentioned above ie 2014.

  • Tushar became a registered member 6 years ago