Active 2 years, 7 months ago yats de bats


Member since January 8, 2012

Total Reads: 579
Total Posts: 2

yats de bats's Profile

Name yats de bats
About Me Have u ever felt stuck in Life, confused, hesitant..?...Ever felt like nothing is in your hands..?...Ever felt like you want so much more but just didn't know which way to turn...?...Even felt scared that u may Never find true love...?....and all those times when you just couldn't decide if u deserved Happiness or not...? Music is a confession box. And now that I'm here - you can rest assured there's not some nameless, faceless Preacher voice behind the screen. It's just Me, an average guy like you - who has sinned the same sins - gulped down the same fears, withstood the relentless drill of Time My Music is a direction, a deliberate purpose - to show you, that it CAN be done. And WILL be done till my last breath. Don't make the same mistakes that I made. Make ur own mistakes. My songs are a blueprint to tell u exactly that. Tell me what you liked about them, and what you did not. Tell me what u hoped for, and what you got, and what left you wishing you had more of. I shall craft a Monument out of our feelings, our needs of the Soul - and my gift of expression shall present to you ALL that u ever expected from music but till now, never quite knew where to look for. I craft my Songs to express - not to impress. So - Pretence, showing off, self-obsession - If that's the kinda 'Big Bang' impact a Rapper should have - then thanks, but no thanks - I'm fine and I'd rather not follow the same old path that such Rappers generally tread. Drift away - Weary Seeker...We were all Destiny's Children, We know Not what We Seek.......