Memories of Tsunami 2010



OUR CULTURAL DAY- The auditorium screaming with excitement.

SPORTS DAY – Courtesy, The Freedom Of Expression Movement

SANJAY SURI AND ANITA DONGRE – judges for our fashion show event.

KUNAL KAPOOR, SANJAY SURI AND ANITA DONGRE sitting with the rest of our crew during the fashion show event.

SHILPA SHUKLA, HIMANSHU MALIK and BRIJESH HIRANI(left to right), during our drama event.

Participants of a college showing their dance moves during the Dance event.

Staying in the act during the drama event.

Kunal Kapoor with Mr. Vinay( the promoter of the movie I AM)

The Fashion Show

The Tsunami 2010 Committee

Our creative board portaying a picture of the core committee of Tsunami 2010

The events team of Tsunami 2010

Security head of Tsuanmi 2010

If you were Mumbai, what would you wish for?

Kunal Kapoor posing for the camera. 😀

The wait worthwile. The award winning ceremony of Tsunami 2010.

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