Merits Of Mail Survey


Merits Of Mail Survey:

(1) Economical: Mail survey is economical as only postage and printed questionnaire are required. The cost of survey is limited as interviewers, supervisors, etc. are not required in mail surveys.

(2) Wide coverage: In mail survey, wide geographical area can be covered by survey as postal facilities are available all over the country. Information can be collected from large number of respondents spread over the whole country by preparing a comprehensive mailing list. Information can also be collected from those with whom face to face interview is not possible.

(3) Speed in data collection: Mail survey method has a speed. Large number of respondents can be contacted within a short period and information can be collected from them within a reasonable time. It is possible to send hundreds of questionnaire within a week and information will be available from many of them.

(4) Avoids interviewee’s bias: In mail survey method, interviewees bias and errors are eliminated. Guidance/hints are not given to the respondents. As a result, first hand reliable information is available for survey purpose. This improves the quality of research work and the conclusions drawn.

(5) Convenience to respondents: Respondents can answer the questionnaire at their own convenience. They can supply information even while remaining anonymous. Respondents are likely to be more thoughtful as they have not to give answers on the spur of the moment. Thus convenience to respondents is one major advantage of mail survey technique.

(6) More information available: It is possible to collect more information by using both open ended and close ended questions in the mail survey questionnaire.

(7) Investigators not required: The services of investigators can be dispensed with as personal contact with the respondents is not required in the case of mail surveys.Expenditure on staff training and supervision on survey work is also eliminated.

(8) Simple and direct method: Mail survey method of data collection is extremely simple, clear and direct as only questionnaires are to be sent as per the mailing list prepared. If necessary, reminder may be sent to the respondents but this expenditure will be limited.

(9) Centralized control: Mail surveys are often conducted from a single office and this brings centralized control on the whole survey work.

(10) Convenient to medium/small companies: Mail survey method is convenient to small and medium sized companies. It can be used conveniently for collecting information from consumers spread over a wide geographical area.

(11) Views of family members available: In mail survey,views of respondents as well as of their family members are collected as they participate while giving replies. Moreover, as respondents remain anonymous, they are likely to give honest replies.


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