Merits of MBE


The practice of MBE in management yields benefit in the following way :


  1. It save personal time
  2. Concentrative executive effort
  3. Reduces distortions
  4. Facilitates broader management coverage
  5. Lessens frequency of decision making.
  6. Makes fuller use of knowledge of trends history and available business data.
  7. Fully utilizes highly paid people on high-return work.
  8. Identify crises and critical problems.
  9. Provides qualitative and quantitative yardsticks for judging situations and people.
  10. Enables inexperienced managers to handle new assignments with a minimum of related experience and training.
  11. Alerts management to opportunity as well as difficulties.
  12. Encourages more comprehensive knowledge of all phases of business operations.
  13. Stimulates communication between different segments of an organization.

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