Merits Of Telephone Survey


Merits Of Telephone Survey:

(1) Economical: Telephone survey is economical as compared to personal interview. Moreover, busy persons like doctors and professionals are available as respondents in the case of telephone survey.

(2) Quick response: It can be conducted quickly and rapidly. The information is available quickly. No time is needed for travelling, etc. Prompt answers is one special benefit of telephone survey.

(3) High speed: There ishigh speed in telephone survey as large number of interviews can be completed within one day. It is also possible to use tape records for data recording.

(4) Information available from VIPs: People who are difficult to contact personally are available for telephone interview. Many busy people are not prepared to grant personal interview but they are willing for brief conversation on telephone. For such respondents, telephone survey is convenient.

(5) Simplicity: It is a simple method of conducting MR as information can be collected from a small office with telephone facility.

(6) Frank response: Experience proves that respondents are more frank (free response) on telephone interviews and give quick response. They are willing to answer delicate/personal questions over telephone than personally.

(7) Orderliness: There is orderliness in telephone survey. The questions are arranged logically and are asked in a planned manner.

(8) Sample selection easy: A list of telephone subscribers can be prepared easily for the purpose of telephone survey. This means the sample selection is easy.

(9) Secrecy of respondents: Anonymity and confidentially as regards the name of respondent and information supplied are possible.

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