Message for Participants of Kshitij 2011!


Event Details:-

•QUIZ d’ affairs(business quiz)

•Business presentation

•Retail case study

•Turn coat debate- girls vs. boys

•Ad o’ maniacs

Message for Participants:-

•Any kind of obscenity, vulgarity or misbehavior will not be tolerated and might lead to disqualification at the discretion of the judges or the organization.

•All the event material should be collected immediately after the performance is over.

•Nobody except technical personnel will handle the technical equipment.

•College names or participant names should not be revealed by participants under any circumstances.

•Substitution can only be done ….

•Substitution before the final round will not be entertained and will lead to direct disqualification.

•Judges decision will be final & binding and should be respected by one and all.

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aarti sharma

hay friends, aarti here...event manger of r.j college ghatkopar(W). with the help of i am here to introduce all you guys with my college fest "KSHITIJ'11", trend of our bms department is "learn with fun"...and now we are spreading such few hilarious, learning moments with you so that you all can be the part... welcome to our world


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