MeterDown 2016 – R. D. National College’s


MeterDown 2016 at R. D. National College’s

D. National’s – MeterDown, in its 3rd year, saw a horde of more celebrities, on the first day itself, The India’s Rawstars’ Rituraj Mohanty, Mohit Gaur judged ‘Vocal Showbiz’ (Solo Singing) event. Followed by Ganesh Acharya who got the crowd absolutely crazy at ‘Do The Hustle’ (Group Dance) event. Jeet Singh, the famous choreographer and Preetika Rao joined him as judges. And for the end of a great day; Femina Miss India’s ‘Campus Princess – Ms. Diva’ was judged by Mr. India Rohit Khandelwal and Jasleen Kaur, Shamin Manan, honoured the winner with the crown. The amazing host Vishaal Rasquina absolutely rocked the show with his stunning voice.

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The participants of Solo Singing, requested Mohit aka Cupcake to sing, on stage. And the winners joined him along!

In the Band Event, one of the participating band, sung a cover of song and the judges loved it.

For rink footfall, sports event, Mr Mark Dharai, famous sports personality judged and the students welcomed him with joy.

During the Solo Dance aka Footloose event, one of the Judges Ronik felicitated a participant who was disabled yet, he danced and got tears to everyone’s eyes.

Apart from the highlights from cultural events, the academics and sports events, saw maximum participation! Wherein, the slots of on spot participation had to be shut!



On its second day, MeterDown witnessed greater highs. With the cast of movie Zubaan – Sarah-Jane Dias, Vicky Kaushal were admits the crowd during the Band Event. The Actor Hunt was judged by Pragati Mehra, Alok Narula and Inaamulhaq. The closing day of the festival, came to end with Panache (Fashion Show) which was judged by The Mr. X girl Amyra Dastur and the brains behind Libas, Reshma Gangji.


Apart from this, the awesome hosts, Saif dressed Mastaani and Omkar to support him took the show to a whole new level in the Group Dance.


The theme was Limitless this year, and in Fashion Show Jai Hind college won everyone’s hearts, with the perfect depiction of Cartoons!

Our Principal Dinesh Panjwani, Vice Principal Laxmi Iyer and Balachandran and all the teachers, Nikisha Kukreja, Mukesh Kanojia, Saira Tumbi, Kayzad Dadachandji, Rachna Mehta and Vinod Adagle were a great support and the key to the success of Meter Down 2016.

With the food stalls, accessories stalls, footfall of over 2000 students from 71 colleges and we almost broke Mithibai’s record at Mumbai University, they have got 73+ colleges. We hope to break it next years.

~ END ~

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Bhautik Kawa


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