MeterDown 2016 – Pre Event Press release


MeterDown 2016 – Pre Event Press Release


The BMS and BAF department of R.D National College present their annual inter college extravaganza. A festival, a gathering and a union of  likeminded minds from colleges all over Mumbai to come and compete in high spirits to win the final shield proclaiming champion.

        METER DOWN, two words heard by ‘Mumbaikars’ every day directly reflecting the start of a new journey or an escapade in our daily lives, completely bring out the meaning of our college fest..

MeterDown Carter Road CCD_5 MeterDown Carter Road CCD1MeterDown Carter Road CCD_3

MeterDown 2016 conducted a PR activity on Sunday,7th February at Carter Road CCD.  A magical journey of MeterDown has begun. Down goes the Meter starting a joyful ride. Dancers glint the Café Coffee Day performing a Flashmob, starting a hustling countdown for the festival. Come join us in our journey on 16th and 17th of February 2016 and mark the beginning of a new exhilarating year.

MeterDown Carter Road CCD_2MeterDown Carter Road CCD_5

MeterDown Carter Road CCD_4   


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Bhautik Kawa


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