Methods Of Conducting Marketing Research


Methods Of Conducting Marketing Research

The methods of conducting marketing research are broadly classified into the following four categories:

(1) Desk Research: In desk research, the required information for research work is collected from published and other written sources of information available. Desk research is useful for the collection of secondary data. Secondary data are already collected for some other purpose but can be used conveniently by borrowing the same. Desk research is a type of in-house research.

(2) Field Research/Investigation: In field investigation/survey method, the required information is collected from the consumers, dealers and others connected with marketing. In addition, consumers surveys are also conducted for this purpose. The data collected from such field investigation are called primary data.

(3) Observation Method: In observation method, the required information is collected through actual physical observation of one or more phenomena under study. This method is also useful for the collection of primary data.

(4) Experimentation Method: In experimentation method/ the required information is collected through a small scale experiment under controlled conditions. This method is used for primary data collection.


The methods of data collection noted above have their special features, advantages and limitations. The researcher has to select any method convenient to him. Collection of reliable and authentic data is more important than the specific method used for data collection.

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