MICAT 2014


MICAT is scheduled to be held in 12 centers across India, viz, Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Indore, Jaipur, Jammu, Kolkata, Lucknow and Mumbai in Feb-end/March (final venues and date will be announced).

Candidates will be shortlisted for group exercise and personal interview on campus, based on their performance in MICAT.

Foreign Nationals/NRIs should apply with scores of GMAT (2010 onwards). These candidates will be shortlisted for a Personal Interview Process via teleconference in April 2014.

The last date for receipt of applications is 31st January 2014. Applicants should apply online at www.mica.ac.in or through application fee collection or online centers authorized by MICA.

For details about MICAT exam or any queries, aspirants could log in to MICA’s website www.mica.ac.in, or write to[email protected]


Aspirants with a Bachelor’s Degree (or equivalent qualification recognized by the Association of Indian Universities), who have appeared in CAT 2013/XAT 2013/XAT 2014/MAT 2013 (Feb/May/Sept/Dec) CMAT 2013 (Sept)/ATMA 2013 (Feb/May/July)/GMAT (2010 onwards), irrespective of their scores can apply and appear in MICA’s Admissions Test (MICAT 2014).


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