Microsoft Office 360 For Android Review!


Microsoft Office for Android

Gone are the days when you need a desktop to create a presentation. The Microsoft app on android can now be used for on the go access, view and edit  Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel and Microsoft PowerPoint documents from virtually anywhere with  support for charts, animations, Smart Art graphics and shapes. One can make quick edits or add comments to a document, the formatting and content remain intact.


• Cloud – One can access Office documents that are stored on One Drive, One Drive for Business, or SharePoint.
• Recent Documents – Since, Office Mobile is cloud-connected. The documents one has recently viewed on your computer are readily available on your phone in the recent documents panel.
• Email Attachments –One can view and edit Office documents attached to email messages.*

Office documents look stunning:
• Great-Looking Documents – Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents look great on your phone, thanks to support for charts, animations, Smart Art Graphics, and shapes.
• Optimized for phone – Word, Excel and PowerPoint have been optimized

• Resume Reading – When opening a Word document from One Drive or One Drive for Business on your phone, it automatically resumes at the place where you left off reading, even if you last viewed the document on your PC or tablet.
• Presentation Views – The Slide Navigator view in PowerPoint lets you browse slides faster; while speaker notes help you practice your presentation.
• Comments – You can review comments that have been made in Word and Excel documents on your phone and add your own comments.

All one needs to do is Sign in with a free Microsoft account to create, edit and save documents for home use. A qualifying Office 365 subscription is required to create, edit and save documents for business use. Similar plans include: Office 365 Small Business Premium, Office 365 Midsize Business, Office 365 Enterprise E3 and E4 (Enterprise and Government), Office 365 Education A3 and A4, and Office 365 Proclus.


  • Requires a phone running Android OS 4.0 or later.
  • For those of you who do not have a Microsoft office a/c may have a hassle signing in
  • Minor fixes in an excel spreadsheet for it is substituted with complicated formulas
  • Despite being optimized for phone one might prefer working on a desktop instead for no one would like to edit an excel document on a 6 inch screen


A GREAT APP FOR ON THE GO EDITS  but for those looking for other options may opt for apps such as king soft, quick office, office suite .

 – Khyati Kotiyan

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