Mirror – Mirror, Who Is Most Beautiful Amongst All!


  “Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.” 
― Kahlil Gibran

“Outer beauty attracts, but inner beauty captivates.”
― Kate Angell


Beauty is one of my favourite topic to talk about so, what do you mean by beauty? We all know about external beauty but what is inner beauty supposed to mean? Does it mean to have a beauty beneath in? Or it is something which we can never see but only imagine? According to today’s modern societies criteria’s; youth, clean skin, slimness, makeup, Nice hair, sexiness, bold personality, attractive physic etc. We see women as a beauty showing themselves in tiny outfits in pictures, magazines, movies, video clips portraying young girl as she possess those qualities of physical attractiveness.

What is inner beauty? Inner beauty is not just inner beauty. When you will give it a thought or idea you will realise inner beauty is the only beauty there is. I’m not criticising that external beauty doesn’t matter but inner beauty plays a bigger part even in first sight. Inner beauty means experiencing through a person’s character rather than their appearance. Outer beauty is nothing if there is no inner beauty. Outer beauty cannot last, and is lot less luminous. Nowadays people are mostly attracted towards the outer beauty of the people rather than the inner beauty whereas inner beauty is much more appealing and impressive. Most people consider looks to be more important but at some point of time they realise that inner beauty often seals the deal instead. Inner self is ignored or neglected by people but if a person is not beautiful within his soul what is the use of the false attractions?? According to me inner beauty means it’s a real beauty of a person that goes far beyond just physical appearances.

The real truth about inner beauty is that most of the people assume inner beauty is something you can only feel and never see. We have over looked the true efforts of inner beauty and given all the credits to the outer beauty. You may assume that inner beauty is never noticed at the first sight but how true is that? But most of the time we notice a person’s physical appearance for a moment, until the real inner beauty starts the attraction game. You may speak to someone for a minute and find them pleasant or not so pleasant but as the conversation goes on for a while you start to pick qualities and traits, without realising it and you may find them more beautiful and charming when you begin to know them better.


What makes a person more attractive is that a gorgeous face or an excellent physic that attracts the attention of people, NO but it’s a person’s inner belief that’s make a person more appealing to others.

Some people are so positive that their AURA can be felt across distances. Inner beauty helps you appreciate outer beauty, if you love, appreciate and feel good about yourself, you would feel more confident about facing other beautiful people in the world. People try to grab the attention by showing off their styles which has become a trend but they never realise that outer beauty is nothing without the beauty beneath all the styles and makeup! There are some people who are beautiful without external additions, they are beautiful from within.

You’re beautiful if you believe you’re beautiful. You’re attractive if you feel you’re attractive. Everyone only sees you as a projection of what you see when you see yourself in a mirror. You’re beautiful if you know it and feel it. So go on out there because there’s a whole wide world waiting for the beautiful you and if you still feel like there is some flaws holding the beautiful you back, learn to overcome it.

At the end call it inner beauty or outer beauty it’s just one kind, it’s that kind of beauty you see when you look in to the mirror!!

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Archana Negi


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