Mithibai College FYBMS Admission 2011


B.M.S Merit List – I

Category A (Arts) – 72.17%

Category A (Science) – 79.80%

Category A (Commerce) – 87.00%

Category A (Open) – 90.48%

Category B – 82.50%

Category C – 84.00%



Admissions for all the students whose names have appeared in the First Merit List will be on the 20th, 21st and the 22nd of June 2011 from 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.



Admission Process

Admission to F.Y.B.M.S. classes will be conducted as per the guidelines and schedule announced by the University of Mumbai. The schedule of admission will be displayed on the Notice Board as it is received from the University.


All admissions are provisional subject to the approval of the University of Mumbai .

  • At the time of admission in F.Y.B.M.S. class, students are required to fill in the University enrolment form,  without which the admission will not be approved by the University of Mumbai.  If they fail to fill in the enrolment form they will not be allowed to appear for the examination and their names will be struck off from the College Register.
  • No student will be deemed as admitted to the college unless he/she has filled in a fresh admission form and has paid the necessary fees & deposits and obtains approval from the University.


  • A student of this college who has qualified himself / herself for admission to a higher class will be admitted to such a class only if an application in the prescribed form, duly completed, has been received by the college office with the necessary fees on the dates, which are stipulated by the college at the time of results.
  • Students coming from other Colleges affiliated to the University of Mumbai and selected for admission must apply for the Transfer Certificate in a prescribed form available in the college office.  However, it is the responsibility of the student to obtain the Transfer Certificate and No Objection Certificate from his/her previous College and submit it to the head-clerk in the college office on time.  If the Transfer Certificate is not submitted on time, examination form will not be sent to the University.


  • Applicants from other than Maharashtra State Higher Secondary Board / University of Mumbai  must support their statements of the last examination passed by attaching the certificates of passing and must also attach a xerox copy of fee receipt  of the provisional eligibility certificate  at the time of admission.  Students should submit the other necessary documents within one week of the commencement of the term in the college office for confirmation of eligibility certificate.
  • A student once admitted in the first term will be considered as duly enrolled for the second term also unless he/she informs in writing his/her intention to leave the college before the commencement of the second term.


  • Repeaters of the college shall not be admitted as regular students. They will be permitted to appear as ex-students during the annual examinations.
  • Once a student passes from one faculty, he/she shall not be admitted to the other faculty.



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