Mobile covers as a fashion accessory!


Trendy Clothes.. check, Chic Handbag.. check, Stylish Shoes.. check, Right Accessories.. check, Perfect Make up… check, Matching Cell Phone Cover..ummm what??

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That’s right ladies, in trying to get the perfect look we ensure that all the very visible attributes of our personality are well highlighted and managed in a way that they complement our personality; so how can we forget our cell phone covers!

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The fact that we have all moved towards touch screen phones with huge displays is very true. And another very important fact is that we use our phones 24×7, showcasing them at every instant and making them a very prominent part of our personality. So when you are taking so much of effort to ensure that every detail of your look is in place, do take notice of your cell phone cover to complete the look.

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Just imagine a suave look for your business meeting or presentation in class, formals and accessories all in place and a cartoon back cover or a sparkling ‘bling’ back cover in your hands. Kills the entire look doesn’t it? Of course it does. The trick is to keep a very simple and plane back cover if you know you are not going to be able to change it often.

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But if are, keep your entire ensemble and look in mind, before choosing the right cover. A decent and simple cover for formal looks, the cute cartoon covers for a funky or a casual look and bling for parties. There are so many varieties available in cell phone covers; you have colourful covers, diamond studded, logos of popular brands printed on them, covers in plastic, covers in rubber, so much to discover.

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Quirky, funky, silly, cute, elegant, regal, super girlie, fashionista, bling, trendy, casual, formal or a even child at heart; whatever be the look you want to showcase, choose the right mobile cover and get it in place.

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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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