Modi Sattva – The 6 Reasons for Modi’s victory!!

1. Brand NaMo :- Gotta credit his PR machinery who turned every stone to make Narendra Modi into ‘NaMo’. They have done a marvellous job of transforming Gujarat’s CM to a National Leader. His change in appearance, active participation on social networking sites, etc have been game changers for him and his party. How can we forget “Abki baar Modi Sarkar” and “Acche din aane wale hain”, each and every add struck an emotional chord with the common people and the slogans were so catchy that even children could remember them.
2. Incompetence of Congress :- Yes, this is the reality. I couldn’t find better words to put it across. The oldest party in the country proved to be incompetent to manage the nation. The rise in corruption, inflation, recession, rise in crime against women, etc are some of the relevant issues which the congress couldn’t address at the right time. The people lost faith in the congress leadership. Congress became a parasite for the common man which everyone wanted to get off their backs.
3. Gujarat Model :- Narendra Modi’s campaigns most crucial part was his work at Gujarat. His 15 year tenure as the CM not only proved how experienced he is but also the development and progress which he ably managed. The entire nation or rather the world can see how he has transformed Gujarat and thus NaMo spoke of development as a crucial point in his rallies.4. Downfall of PM :- Oops actually the ‘accidental PM’. Mr. Manmohan Singh proved to be a very weak PM. It’s because of him that the PMO lost its respect and power. A great economist and noble man indeed but didn’t prove to be a good leader. His silence and passive personality made him very unresponsive. It’s really ironical that India had to suffer so much economically during his tenure.

5. Leadership :- Some are born leaders and some are made leaders. I still can’t categorise NaMo but he is a leader for sure. His strong personality, command over words, ability to hold crowds, political specimen, vision and foresightedness, inter-personal skills are just a few feathers in his cap. He has won the faith of the nation which no ordinary being can. Industrialist, economists, socialists, actors/actresses, etc have also been riding the Modi wave. His hard work, dedication, commitment, honesty and integrity make him a charismatic leader.

6. Youth :- Youth is the ‘X – factor’ of our country. We are a young nation and I am proud to say that we aren’t ignorant of our rights and duties. It is a matter of pride that the youth is actively participating in politics and taking keen interest in the functioning of the government. We want a safe and secured nation. The congress government failed to meet the needs and aspirations of the youth, joblessness and inflation resulted in low faith in the government. NaMo not only identified the ambitions of the youth but also connected with them through various platforms.

 Here’s hoping that this scintillating victory results into a stable government and a happy and successful nation. 🙂

– Anjani Nautiyal.

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