Modified ATKT Rules for BMS from 2013-14



Existing Regulation 8438

ATKT for Faculties of Commerce

(d) A learner shall be allowed to keep term for Semester V- if he/she passes Semester I, Semester II, Semester III and Semester IV OR

A learner shall pass Semester I and Semester II and fails in not more than four courses of Semester III and Semester IV taken together with not more than two courses each in sem. III & Sem. IV

(e)     A learner shall be allowed to keep term for Semester VI irrespective of number of heads of failure in the Semester V. However, the learner shall pass each course of Semester III and Semester IV in order to appear for Semester VI.


Amended Rules .8438



Eligibility for Admission to all the Under Graduate Programs (aided and non-aided) in the Faculties of Arts and Commerce under Credit Based Semester and Grading System

Eligibility criteria for a learner, to be admitted in Semester V (Third year) of UG programs (aided and non-aided) in Faculties of Arts and Commerce is amended as follows:

i)  Shall have passed Semester I, II, III and IV in full OR

ii)  Shall have passed Semester I and II in full and secured ATKT in the Second year by failing in not more than Two Courses in each of Semester III and Semester IV OR

iii)  Shall have Secured ATKT in First Year by failing in not more than Two Courses in each of Semester I and Semester II and have passed Semester III and Semester IV in full

e)     A learner shall be allowed to keep terms for Semester VI irrespective of grades obtained in each course of Semester V. The result of Semester VI shall be kept in abeyance until the learner passes each of Semester I, Semester II, Semester III, Semester IV and Semester V in full.



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  1. i am doing mms from mumbai university 3rd semester results where declared yesterday and it showed unsuccessful what does that mean. now what should i do will it show in my marksheet?

  2. hiii this is hardik shah i want to ask you regarding atkt forms and revaluation forms. i gt kt again in 6th sem previously i gt 2 kt that is Operational research and internaional finance and in that i again get failed but i am unable to find my makrks and not getting in in which subject i gt a kt again and when is the date to fill the forms for 6 sem kt exam n relauation because exam dates are already out so please tell me the dates to fill kt and revaluation forms

  3. I have done first year bms but i got at kt in first semester (second sem all clear) now a days i am doing job and i want to complete my bms… Could I get admission in second year BMS at distance univercity like Ycmou..

  4. In sem 1 n sem 2 together in failed in total 3 subjects … Will I be promoted to sem 3 .. If not then will I have to repeat entire year? Or just the subjects I failed in?

  5. I have 1 kt in sem 1 and also giving reexamination for 4 paper in sem 2 … i am unsure whether i’ll clear it or not i am just sure of 1 subject … so can i have in total 4 kt … 1 from sem 1 and 3 from sem 2 ? … please reply asap

  6. So I have to wait a year just to submit my assignment…and give maths external, isnt any way that they shall accept my assignment. And admission me for d 5.sem, cus then im cleared my sy after submission.

  7. i had not given my 200 marks project on time , though i passed in all subjects ,since i had not given my project they marked me absent and failed, do i have to fill the ATKT form ?

  8. im sy bms student..i have computer internal atkt of first semester..due to some unfortunate circumstances i failed to submit my sem 1 atkt form during semester will i be allowed to appear for semester 1 kt in the coming semester i.e sem 4 ?

  9. i got kt in my semester 5 result 2016. what can i do?
    what are the chances of a successful revaluation? and when is the re-examination conducted? will this affect my semester 6 ?
    when is the result of the re-examinations declared?
    please help asap.

  10. If a student is having KT at 2nd sem external and 4th sem internal n both in one one sub then he can take admission in 3rd year or not

  11. Sir I dint appear for the I semester whole. i am a fybms student .so sir what will be the further action should i have a year drop or i can first year.And what are atkt rules for it.

  12. Amit
    HI i failed in one subject in vth sem of BMM , revaluation also i failed i gave reexam as kt is there process of reval for kt also please let me know.thanks

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